Have you heard about Tony Robbins’ massive book on finance, “Money: Master the Game?” In this post I want to give you an in depth review of the book, so that you can decide if you’d like to read it yourself. If you have already read it, perhaps my review will help you better understand your own reactions.
First of all, the book is long. The total book is around 650 pages, and absolutely none of it is fluff. It is all densely packed, completely interesting content. I found myself more and more fascinated with each and every chapter. Tony Robbins explains that he didn’t want to write another book when he decided to write “Money: Master The Game”. He was busy, successfull, and had a completely full life. Yet, when the financial crisis of 2008 occurred, he saw so many people suffering. He makes it a priority in life to help people, so that is what he felt he had to do. Thus, this 650 book was born.
In the book Robbins interviews the masters of the financial field. He interviewed a total of fifty financial experts, and then combined all of the tactics and philosophies that he earned into seven steps.
As I read through the steps, I felt inspired. I was excited to try the steps that he proposed. I also found myself overwhelmed. The language that he uses in conversation with self made billionaires and investment tycoons was way beyond my lexicon. Even though he was breaking it down into common language, I still felt that the concepts were hard to grasp. About midway through the book, I promised myself that I would consume the entire book again, in full, two more times. I decided that once would be in audiobook form, if I absolutely couldn’t read it through for the third time. I rarely repeat books, but this one felt just out of my reach for most of the time that I was reading it. I really wanted to understand it, but I just wasn’t.
For instance, in one section of the book Robbins suggests that you start investing the amount that you have committed to in the previous chapter. In order to do this, he suggests several institutions that you can call to set up your accounts. It was nearly eleven o’clock at night when I read this, but I was trying to follow the steps in the book, and he said “do it now”. I picked up my cell phone, made the call, and got an account set up. It was exciting! But I soon realized that I wasn’t prepared to choose the type of account that I needed. It was an exciting action, but not well founded.
Several steps in the book had that feel to me. There was potential excitement, but something was off.
I am hoping that the second time I read the book, things might click in a better way.
One thing that did help me a lot, which I learned from this book, is that it is essential to work with experts when it comes to your finances. One way that you can do that is by contacting a financial adviser to meet with in person. You could also start by looking into a service such as Nationwide Debt Reduction Services. The Nationwide Debt Reduction Services staff will work with you to make a plan for getting out of debt, which is a good first step towards financial freedom.
I am an avid reader, and I read quickly. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves to read and is eager to learn. If you are hoping for a quick lesson in financial advice, this is not the book for you. This is a long and involved book, with many pages of intellectually stimulating financial ideas. YOu need to be ready to soak it all in, absorb it slowly, and study it with care.